Dobermans are important
Our team
Breeder, Whelping, Behaviorist, Caregiver, Piper’s master
Laura has past experience with the breeding of Boston Terriers as the primary breeder. Odin is Laura’s first Doberman Pinscher. Odin has been bred four times by Trinity’s Dobermans. Laura was present to help at each whelping and for the followup care of the pups. She took copious notes while working with the master at Trinity’s Dobermans. She is responsible for Piper’s handling, training and the titles that Piper has earned to date.
Breeder, Consultant, Master of Phoenix and Legacy
Gail is the owner of Trinity’s Dobermans. She has over 30 years of experience and has bred multitudes of world class, highly decorated Doberman Pinschers. Although officially retired, she is our consultant. Gail is a very good friend and a member of the family. If anyone ever has a question about Dobermans, regardless of subject area, one consults Gail.
Breeder, Support, Odin’s master
Brett took part in overseeing the actual breeding of Odin’s four litters. He basically does whatever requires doing to ensure that the necessary care is provided to the dam, the sire and the pups. He has past experience raising and training German Shepherd Dogs, Rottweillers and, of course, Doberman Pinschers.
Caregiver, Puppy Nanny
Cristen has been around dogs all of her life. A Rottweiller looked after her from the time that she was born until he passed. She is very involved in the day to day care of Odin and Piper, as well as our Boston Terriers. Cristen was present at the whelping of the final two breedings of Legacy x Odin. She stayed at Trinity’s Dobermans to help for several weeks following the births. She does whatever needs done - feeding, cleaning, playmate, nanny. Those breedings could not have been done without Cristen.